We do a number of fundraisers through the year including Apple Days, Popcorn Sales, Hot Dog Sales, and Bottle Drives. Each one requires someone dedicated to organizing it and ensuring a successful event.
The major fundraiser of the year is Popcorn sales. Popcorn is the official Scouts Canada fundraiser and is of similar visibility as Girl Guide cookies.
Donations may be made to 12th New Westminster through Scouts Canada. Scouts Canada will issue a charitable tax receipt and forward the donation to the Group. The process is to go to the Scouts Canada secure online donation form at and click on the “Designated Scout Groups” link which takes you to Fill out the information and in the “Specify Scout Group" box, include “12th New Westminster Group, c/o 401 Fader St, New Westminster, BC, V3L 3S9”. This will ensure it goes to our Group. Any other comments the donor wishes to include can also be included in this box.