Swim Up
"Swim Up / Leap Up / Climb Up / Swagger Up" is an all-Section ceremony where the older youth move up to the next Section. Beavers "swim" up to Cubs, Cubs "leap" up to Scouts, Scouts "climb" up to Venturers, and Venturers "swagger" up to Rovers.
We usually hold the ceremony in mid-May in Tipperary Park across from Queens Ave. United Church. Some Scouters need to be there early to set up the tarp and the cargo net.
The Scouter manual has the procedure for the Sections to follow. The Section Scouters should be familiar with the process of how to thank the youth who are moving up, and how to welcome the new youth into their Section. It is a big park, so the Scouters needs to be very loud so the Group can hear.
We typically do all the Section openings in order (Beavers>Cubs>Scouts>Venturers), the Section move-up ceremonies, and then end with some games and snacks. Bets are often taken as to which youth will fall in the creek.
Prior to Swim Up / Leap Up / Climb Up, it is encouraged to have some linking activities so the youth who are moving up are familiar with the new Section.
Link badges should be presented at the following Section meeting. The colour on the link badges show the progress through the Sections from Beavers (brown) to Cubs (grey) to Scouts (green) to Venturers (blue).
Beavers who are moving up wear both their old and new uniforms. Beavers wear a Cub Uniform under their Beaver Uniform.
They repeat the Beaver promise and then are wished well by their Section Scouter. They then “swim” up a creek (blue tarp) and duck behind a hanging tarp where the lightning “transforms” them into Cubs. They are then presented to and welcomed into the Pack.
Cubs don’t usually wear their new Scout uniform.
They are wished well by Akela and often given a grand howl or three cheers. They “leap” over a fire, and are presented to and welcomed into the Scout Troop.
Scouts don’t usually wear their new Venturer uniform.
They are wished well by their Troop Scouter, they “climb” up to Venturers by scaling a cargo net, and are presented to and welcomed into the Venturer Company.
Venturers don’t usually wear their new Rover uniform.
They are wished well by their Section Scouter, they also “climb” or "swagger" up to Rovers by scaling a cargo net, and are welcomed in the Rover Crew.
Before the event, remember to do the following:
- Get link badges from the Scout Shop.
Get the following gear from the locker:
- Tug of war rope.
- Two blue tarps (one for a river and one for a wall to have the youth hide behind while changing).
- Ropes to hang the tarp.
- Large rope from locker to tie cargo net in tree.
- There is an extension ladder in Queens Ave. Church which we can use to tie up the cargo net.
Get the following gear from the Carriage House:
- Cargo net (no charge).
Buy the following:
- Juice and cookies.
- Bring paper cups, not Styrofoam!